Below is the suggested kit list for a Beaver Sleepover, or Cub Camp. The camp organiser or Leader will let you know if you need anything in particular.
As far as possible, try to pack everything into the one rucksack / holdall, rather than having everything in multiple bags, as it increases the chances of things getting lost, and makes it more difficult to carry.
If Beavers / Cubs don’t do all of their own packing, they should at least be involved so they know what kit is theirs, and where things are in their bag. This will also help to alleviate anxieties first time campers might have about being away from home.
Please don’t bring electronic toys or mobile phones – they’re very easily lost or broken. Also, don’t bring sweets or snacks – they attract animals and make a mess. If you’re asked to bring cakes, please hand them in so they can be kept in the kitchen.