
How much – £40 (Scouts), £45 (Cubs & Beavers)

How often – Beginning of every term

Subs is the only ‘obligatory’ cost other than for uniform – all other costs are optional. Subs pays for the following :

  • Annual subscription / capitation payable to the Scout Association for membership & insurance
  • Rental fees for Leire Village Hall (Cubs & Scouts) / Ullesthorpe Campsite (Beavers)
  • Rental fees for our storage container
  • Online Scout Manager & Go Cardless fees
  • Sundry small expenses for meetings (stationery etc.)

For families with three or more siblings in the group, there is a 50% discount on subs for the third and subsequent children.

How much – £ Varies

How often – Varies

There are a number of different types of camp offered – some more expensive than others. Also, Beavers will probably only camp once a year, Cubs perhaps twice a year, but Scouts may be offered a camp every term. A basic camp will cost around £20 for the weekend, but if the camp is abroad (Scouts and older), it will cost considerably more (although the young people engage in fundraising to lower this cost).