Welcome to Scouts!
You are now one of 41 million Scouts / Guides worldwide, and a member of one of the most active groups in South Leicestershire.
We hope that you’ll have an enjoyable, exciting and rewarding four years in Scouts.
This section is intended to be a brief guide to help you to get the most out of your time with us, as well as providing helpful resources and tools.
If you’ve just moved up from Cubs, you’ll probably already know a lot about Scouts. But don’t worry if you’ve only just joined the Scout movement – if you can’t find what you need to know here, just ask your Patrol Leader or one of the adult Leaders.
About L&D Scouts
Young people join Scouts for lots of different reasons, but this is what we want you to get out of your time with us –
We aim to provide you with a programme of activities that you’ll find enjoyable, that you’ll learn something from, and that will test you.
Camping is one of the main reasons young people join Scouts, so half of the programme is dedicated to this and other outdoor activities. We go camping at least once a term, throughout the year. We camp under canvas in absolutely all weathers – sunshine, snow or rain (unless it would be dangerous for us to camp). There’s more about what we do on the different types of camp further on.
What you get out of Scouts depends upon what you put into it. If you put the effort in, by the time you leave when you’re 14, you’ll –
We expect Scouts to take personal responsibility for what they do with us. If you need to hand forms in on time, or pack your kit for camp, YOU need to be the one to do it. Don’t just rely on your parents to do it – you’re the one that joined Scouts after all, not your parents. You’ll get far more out of Scouts this way.
Follow the links below to learn more about Scouts.